******************************************************************************* Global Variables used in this Config ******************************************************************************* ...accessible through the "Debug Mode" option. "Arrays" - Not reset -------------------------- keyword mostly site-specific actions flag mostly config preferences volat mostly volatile data Document landmarks - Not reset ------------------------------ mType Equals " /" if the doctype indicates XHTML mode mHead Depends on current spot, final value is usually "body" mHtml Depends on current spot, final value is usually "1h-tag" mBody Depends on current spot, final value is usually "1" Parsed URL strings - Not reset ------------------------------ uProt Protocol (e.g. http:) uHost Host (e.g. foobar.domain.com) uPort Port (e.g. :8080) uPath Path (e.g. / or /foo/bar/) uFile File name (e.g. mypic) uExt File extension (e.g. jpg) uDom Domain (e.g. domain.com or domain.co.uk) uBase Last base href (e.g. foobar.domain.com/foo/) Display flags - Not reset ------------------------- displayD Debug displayI Important displayM Media Header variables - Not reset ------------------------------------- hCT Content-Type if tested frequently, currently "html" or "xhtml" hOrigRef Original referrer, if any hOrigUA Original User-Agent string (as sent e.g. by the browser) Header variables - Reset in header filters ------------------------------------------ hPrefix URL command prefix hPrevRef Previous faked referrer, used if a document is re-requested hRdir Redirect URL, modified by several filters before ready to go hRealCT Real Content-Type, either sent by a document before a redirect, or as detected by content sniffing filters hIP Spoofed IP address hVia Spoofed Via string Informational variables - Reset in display filters -------------------------------------------------- eCode Collects info regarding the page code eCookieK Collects killed cookies (e.g. IP address cookies) eCookieS Collects original cookies sent with the last Set-Cookie header eFixedT Collects fixed tags eOpenT Collects tags still open at the end of page (corrected) ePostT Collects certain blocks found after (removed) eBodyT Collects event attributes found in duplicated body tags (these tags are *not* removed) Informational variables - Reset in final JS filter -------------------------------------------------- dAll Dumps miscellaneous info dCookies Dumps header cookies or sets a "look for JS cookies" flag dJS Dumps JS code (that isn't inserted in every page) eAdComm Collects the names of found ad comments eAdCommII Collects comments introducing an ad block (not dumped) eAdJS Collects blocked ad scripts eHits Collects unusual, interesting, or dangerous code Toggle variables - Reset in final JS filter ----------------------------------------------------------- pApplet Number of Java applets pBGsound Number of embedded sound files pBGsrc Last sound file URL pFlash Number of Flash objects pIframe Number of inner off-domain frames pMarquee Number of marquees pMovie Number of embedded movie files Site specific variables - Auto-reset ------------------------------------ sCookieP "0" if the faked cookie is only added, if there is none already "1" if the faked cookie is prepended (vs. replacing) sCookieF Holds the faked cookie string sReferF Holds the faked referrer string Site specific variables - Reset in " Display Site Specific Info" filter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sAdKey Holds ad strings that are targeted on the current site sAdKeyR Holds an optional replacement string for above match sCookieA Holds the cookie names that are allowed for the current site sSpec Site-specific kills (info or counts) sUserCSS Name of the user stylesheet applied to the current page sUserFn Holds strings of function names and "if" conditions, that are targeted on the current site. Not reset in external scripts. sUserFnR Lets above match replace "if" conditions with "true" instead of the default "false", thus skipping possible else blocks. sUserJS Holds JS code that is added to the top of the current page sUserJSB Holds JS code that is appended at the page bottom, thus overriding functions/variables defined by page scripts HTML tag flags - Complex - Usually reset on closing tag ------------------------------------------------------- comment Three levels - standard, script, and style comments script External and inline scripts tAnc Three levels - first/second unclosed and JavaScript anchors tHead "0" if missing, else reset on closing tag tFrameset "2" if at top of page, "1" for each following, never reset tStyle External and inline stylesheets HTML tag flags - Simple - Reset on closing tag ---------------------------------------------- tHtml tIframe tNoembed tNoframes tNoscript tObject tPre tTable tTextarea tTitle tXmp Temporary variables - Auto-reset, except "i" -------------------------------------------- stack dump miss a b i n s v Miscellaneous variables - Auto-reset ------------------------------------ bom Type of Byte-Order-Mark in UTF-16 documents fileType "1" if the filetype has been checked jsVarsB Bitwise JS variables to be inserted at top of HEAD block jsVarsT Other JS variables to be inserted at top of HEAD block metaType Marks script-type ("j"), style-type ("s"), and charset ("c") meta tags preBlock Holds removed pre-head blocks that get reinserted further down Miscellaneous variables - Not reset ----------------------------------- cfg Current config version protect "1" if the filetype needs to be protected from filtering pYY Previous year in 2-digit format spBounds Bounds of a Server-Push page (multipart/x-mixed-replace) *EOF*