******************************************************************************* How to run Proxomitron via Wine on Linux - by 43unite - v4 - 13jul09 ******************************************************************************* The following instructions are based on running Proxomitron on openSUSE 11.1 and KDE 3.5.10. Installation procedures may require tweaking for other distributions and/or other desktop environments. Proxomitron runs in Linux via Wine (or a similar translation layer). Without such a device Linux cannot understand, install nor execute Windows executables. For more information about Wine visit: WineHQ - http://winehq.org/ Wine: Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_(software) Wine-Doors: Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine-Doors Wine may already be available as part of the default installation in some distros. If not, Wine is most likely available for installation from a distribution's repositories. It can also be compiled and installed from source. If further assistance is required consult the distro's docs and forums. Online searching may also prove useful. Visit the Proxomitron forums at: http://prxbx.com/forums/ On openSUSE 11.1 the default root Wine installation automatically includes these directories: '/usr/bin/wine', '/usr/lib/wine', '/usr/bin/X11/wine', '/usr/share/wine', '/usr/share/man/man1/wine.1.gz' and '/home//.wine' (where is the user directory name). 'Wine-Doors' could also optionally be installed (see above link). Notice that '.wine' is a hidden directory. This can be made visible if desired. After Wine is installed, download "ProxN45j.exe" (the Proxomitron executable file) to the /home directory. Be sure that 'exec' is permitted for /home, if it's in a separate partition, in '/etc/fstab'. If not, this file, as well as all others, will be denied execution privilege. The fstab line could resemble this: /dev/sda? /home ext3 user,rw,exec,nodev,nosuid,acl 1 2 (where ? = the appropriate partition designation). When left clicking on "ProxN45j.exe" to initiate installation the distro will probably ask how to open the file. Tell it "wine" (without the quotes). Proxomitron should install with 'Windows' comparable dialog boxes into a location similar to this: '/home//.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Proxomitron Naoko-4'. This is where the user accessible Proxo folders, configurations, and other files reside. Create symlinks ("ln") to the Proxo executable as desired, if not automatically generated. File locations may need to be bracketed something like this: env WINEPREFIX="/home//.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Proxomitron Naoko-4\Proxomitron.exe" (the above all in one line, punctuation required). The distro probably knows how to automatically do this. 'env WINEPREFIX=' instructs the distro to open (execute) the file via Wine. Other programs installed to run under Wine will be similarly located in '/home//.wine/drive_c/Program Files/'. Take a tour of the Wine directory to become familiar with it. You'll find the 'Windows' structures located in '/home//.wine/drive_c/windows'. A distro can be configured to associate the ".exe" file extension (and/or others) with Wine. This is strongly NOT recommended for security reasons. Proxomitron can be made to load automatically at boot. Under KDE 3.5 simply symlink from "The Proxomitron.desktop" in '/home//.local/share/applications' to '/home//.kde/Autostart'. Under openSUSE/KDE Proxo runs as it does under Windows with the icon displayed and functional in the taskbar's notification area (aka system tray). OpenSUSE/KDE desktop and menu links were created automatically, so openSUSE's Wine/Proxomitron install was simple and straightforward. Again, installation details may vary between distros & DEs. So basically: On openSUSE 11.1/KDE 3.5 install Wine, then install Proxomitron. Configure Proxo & the browsers appropriately. Proxomitron must run normally in a user account. If it doesn't there is a problem. Should problems be encountered try executing Proxo as user in a console/terminal (try root, if necessary, afterwards). This will output system information that may help to resolve the issues. Do NOT run as root (always good advice)!!! Have fun.