******************************************************************************* Naoko 4.5 Config -- Sidki 2010-10-23 -- ReadMe ******************************************************************************* This config should work with all Gecko Browsers, IE clones > 5.5, Opera > 6.x (a few config features disabled), Netscape 4.x, NCSA Mosaic, and OffByOne (many features disabled). Most of the time i use it with Firefox. Five "Modes" are available that allow the user to choose the config's initial behavior. They range from silent, conservative filtering (Minimal and Light Modes) to informational and proactive (Advanced Mode). The directory in which this ReadMe is located contains more files: Documents, optional replacements for default files, and extras like bookmarklets etc.. See "!content.html" for details. Don't miss the directions for use, "Config_Control.txt". ;-) The set is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (included). You can find the latest version at: http://sidki.proxfilter.net/prox.html Have fun :-) sidki ******************************************************************************* Contents: Thanks! Installation The Exceptions Lists Temporary Lists Importing URL Header Filters Importing Filters that target Scripts Unsorted ******************************************************************************* Thanks! ******************************************************************************* NOW: Kye-U ( http://prxbx.com/ ) and ProxRocks for joining this project by maintaining and supporting parts of the config. (Further co-developers wanted! ;-) whenever/phoenix for providing webspace and other logistic support. http://proxfilter.net/ , http://www.proxomitron.cn/ EARLIER THIS DECADE: Mona Oliver for her support in various ways. http://mizzmona.com/ Joseph Daniel Sanchez for invaluable discussions and ideas. JJoe for tracking down problems and helping with the docs. A great number of ideas came from Paul Rupe's config set. Jesse Ruderman's bookmarklets were a valuable resource for the Prox menu. http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/ ******************************************************************************* Installation ******************************************************************************* * "xxxx-xx-xx" stands for the current version. - Extract the zip into Proxomitron's main directory. Don't worry, no file unrelated to this config set will be overwritten. You should end up with new subdirectories like: "sidki-etc\" and "Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\" and... - Load sidki_xxxx-xx-xx.ptron by using Proxomitron's main window or the tray menu. - Decide whether you want Proxomitron to filter secure pages or not: a) If you do want HTTPS to be filtered and/or want to activate the "Use Half-SSL" option in the "Header Filters" window, make sure that the SSL DLLs - SSLeay32.dll and Libeay32.dll - are installed on your system. They should reside either in the same directory as Proxomitron.exe or on your system's search path. You can get them here: http://www.proxomitron.info/files/ . Set your browser to use a proxy for HTTP and HTTPS, and point it to: b) On the other hand, if you don't like HTTPS pages to be filtered, select the "HTTP" tab in the preferences and uncheck "Use SSLeay/OpenSSL". Set your browser to use proxy for HTTP only, and point it to: - Open Proxomitron's Main Window and push the "Headers" button. There are five config modes, starting with "! |||||||||||| 1.1 Minimal Mode". These modes are described in "Config_Control.txt". In short: If you are new to Proxomitron, you may want to uncheck "Standard Mode" and check "Light Mode" or "Minimal Mode". If you are familiar with the program (or ready for a little adventure), either keep "Standard Mode" or choose "Advanced Mode". If you'd like to run the undamped config, also untick "Never alter Page/Link Styles". - In Proxomitron's main window, click "File -> Save Config file". *************************** Below Steps Are Optional ************************** - If you like to use this config as your "default.cfg", click "File -> Save Default Settings" in the main window. Alternatively, you can launch Proxomitron with the full path to the config appended to a normal Windows created shortcut. Like: "X:\PATH TO PROX\Proxomitron.exe" "X:\PATH TO PROX\sidki_xxxx-xx-xx.ptron" - If you want to limit animated GIFs to a few loops, instead of freezing them or having them run forever, activate the "Content-Type: 5c Filter GIFs" header filter. Another benefit of doing so is that scripts pretending to be a GIF image get blocked by a webfilter. Note that Proxomitron's "Freeze GIF animation" checkbox does nothing in this case. Instead, a webfilter will restrict small animations to four loops and large ones to two. By default, this is done only for GIFs that come with an incorrect content-type. - Open "Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\CookieValues.ptxt" and below "IP Address Cookies -- Edit" replace the IP and IP alias matches with yours. See above-mentioned list for details. - In case you already have any personal URL aliases, open "Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\Exceptions-U.ptxt" and Scott's default "Lists\URL Alias List.txt". Copy your aliases to the "REDIRECT URLS (ALIASES)" section, which is at the bottom of Exceptions-U. - If you use a remote proxy that requires (basic) authentication, add it via the external proxy dialog. Then edit the "Proxy-Authorization: Set Proxy & Send" header filter and replace "my.proxy.com" with yours. In the replacement string replace "YOUR_NICK:YOUR_PW" with your data. Highlight this string, right-click, and select "MIME encode/decode -> Encode string" from the context menu. Finally deactivate the "Use standard Proxy" filter and activate the "Use Auth Proxy" filter. - If you use Yahoo! services, edit the "Yahoo: Auto Login" filter, replace "YOUR_NICK" and "YOUR_PW" with your personal data, and activate it. Most login screens are using the secure protocol, so you'll need the OpenSSL DLLs (see below), and keep "Use SSLeay/OpenSSL..." enabled in Proxomitron's preferences. - If you want to personalize the URL command prefix (for security reasons), go to "Config -> Access" and replace "px." with something else. Keep the final dot tho, to ensure that your browsers won't complain. Do *not* check "Disable URL-based Proxomitron commands", as this config depends on them. - If you want Proxomitron to filter documents that are located on FTP servers, you need a proxy (local or remote) that "translates" FTP to HTTP. Most ISP proxies do that. First add your proxy via the "External Proxy" selector in Proxomitron's main window. Then edit the "Use Proxy with FTP and Gopher" header filter, replace "" with your proxy, and activate that filter. - Have a look at the "Config Control" section in the headers and the web filters window, and adjust the defaults to suit your needs! For instance, to show Flash and movies without having to click a "toggle" link, you would activate "Flash & Media Toggle: Show/Play by Default". Please read "Config_Control.txt" for an explanation of the various options. - Save the config. There is also a file called "sidki_oob.ptron". It is an exact copy of the out-of-box config, except that scanning of the general bypass list as well as the user Exceptions list is disabled. This config is intended to help you pin down a problem - in case you changed something in the everyday config, lost a filter, or added incompatible ones. Please do not modify this file. - Start surfing! ******************************************************************************* The Exceptions Lists ******************************************************************************* - The general list "Exceptions.ptxt" is *the* central list of this config. It consists of two main sections: "EXCLUDE (ALLOW, BYPASS)" and "INCLUDE (BLOCK, FAKE, SITE-SPECIFIC)". The first section holds URLs that should be bypassed for certain filters. As a matter of fact, there will always be a page that can't take some filter, so this section is never finished. The second section is the place for URLs where certain filters should explicitly kick in. For example sites that need really restrictive filtering, like blocking all scripts or cookies. It also contains hacks for around 150 western-language news sites, which would otherwise require *free* registration to be accessible (active in Standard and Advanced config modes only). So, if you come across any popular sites that are in need of either an exclusion or a "special treatment", please post on one of the Proxomitron boards, preferably at: http://prxbx.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=44 - The user list "Exceptions-U.ptxt" is a slightly modified copy of above list, without any active entries. There you can add sites where you don't want certain filters to match. Or where you like to see site-specific modifications, like a user-stylesheet, a faked cookie, etc.. Sooner or later you will probably want to add entries to this list. Each entry has to match *just once*. Say you want to bypass all JavaScript filters on www.somesite.com/mypage/ but there already is an entry: www.somesite.com/ $SET(0=a_rdlink.) Adding... www.somesite.com/mypage/ $SET(0=a_rdlink.a_js.) ...won't work because "www.somesite.com/mypage/" is consumed by the first match. So the correct way goes like: www.somesite.com/(^mypage/) $SET(0=a_rdlink.) www.somesite.com/mypage/ $SET(0=a_rdlink.a_js.) - There is also a third such list, "Mem-Flags", which holds bypasses and inclusions on a per-session instead of a per-site basis. It lives in memory (see the next chapter if you want to make it physical). You can add to it by selecting one or more options in the Proxomitron menu and then hitting the "Session" button. - These lists work with keywords that tell a particular filter or subroutine, if it should be active or not. You'll find a detailed overview of available keywords, "Exceptions.html", in the same directory where this ReadMe is located. ******************************************************************************* Temporary Lists ******************************************************************************* There are a few lists that only exist in memory and get destroyed when you shut down Proxomitron or reload the config. If you want to keep them across sessions or just want to look at them for a while: Add these entries to the [Blocklists] section of the config: List.--[Temporary_Lists]--- = "..\Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\Separator" List.Mem-ContLoc = "..\Mem-ContLoc.ptxt" List.Mem-Encode = "..\Mem-Encode.ptxt" List.Mem-Flags = "..\Mem-Flags.ptxt" List.Mem-ScriptSrc = "..\Mem-ScriptSrc.ptxt" List.Mem-SpoofVars = "..\Mem-SpoofVars.ptxt" List.Mem-StyleSrc = "..\Mem-StyleSrc.ptxt" Then create zero-byte files with the above names in Proxomitron's root Directory and reload the config. ******************************************************************************* Importing URL Header Filters ******************************************************************************* Don't import "URL:" style header filters into this config without editing! They have a special status which lets the header filters sort order swap between two states, making the order in which the filters match unpredictable. Converting a "URL:" filter to one that doesn't interfere is easy: Old: [HTTP headers] In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "URL: Kill somesite.com (Out)" Match = "http://somesite.com/" Replace = "\k" New: [HTTP headers] In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "!-|||||||||||| URL: Kill somesite.com (Out)" URL = "somesite.com/" Replace = "\k" If you need to match the protocol, there is a global variable "uProt" for that: URL = "somesite.com/&$TST(uProt=http:)" ******************************************************************************* Importing Filters that target Scripts ******************************************************************************* A lot of filters in this config need to know if they are within a script. For this reason a variable called "script" is set at the beginning of a script block (or external script) , and reset when it closes. If you add a filter that removes scripts, it needs to reset this variable to keep things running smoothly. To reset it, just append "$SET(script=)" to the replacement string. [Patterns] Name = "Remove bad Script" Active = FALSE Bounds = "$NEST()" Limit = 1024 Match = "*bad_code*" Replace = "$SET(script=)" There are also filters that are intended to replace certain code within scripts but in fact do that in the entire document. That kind of a filter may make reading a discussion about scripting or Proxomitron hard to follow. :-) You can almost always avoid that by appending "&$TST(script=*)" to the matching expression. [Patterns] Name = "Replace bad Script Code" Active = FALSE Limit = 16 Match = "bad_code&$TST(script=*)" Replace = "good_code" Note: JavaScript links can be included by appending "&($TST(script=*)|$TST(tAnc=j))" instead. ******************************************************************************* Unsorted ******************************************************************************* This config set uses non-standard file extensions: .ptron instead of .cfg, .ptxt instead of .txt. After you associate them with your text editor, you may be able to use Proxomitron-language style syntax highlighting for the two file types. A reg file and a highlight file for UltraEdit are provided to help you set things up. See "!content.html" for details. Some filters have to deal with so-called "Byte Order Marks", that consist of unusual characters. So if you have to edit the cfg file directly (normally there's no need to do so), make sure that your text editor can handle chars like "øþ" correctly. Some filters need to know what browser you are using to work properly. So, if you are using a User-Agent switcher plugin, make sure you set it to the real UA while using this config. Other unexpected things may happen with ad-blocking browser plugins - see FAQ. *EOF*